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Route of the Castles Castiglion Fiorentino

Route of the Castles


Track length: 25.4 km

Road bed type: Misto Asfalto/sterrato


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The course is developed on top of the ridge of hills forming the watershed between two opposite sides and is also called the path of the castles, because the headlands emerging places along the way were used as lookout posts and control of the territory. Since the morphology of the Valley of Chios is quite particular, posing as a cove on the eastern flank of the Valle di Chiana largest, with high and steep hills that surround the valley giving the characteristic ring shape, the path of the ridge is the most difficult ahead of the three. The ideal starting point for this path is Piazzale Garibaldi where you will find the board number 1. From here you can schedule daily loop walk along the ridge, or follow other paths, take walks shorter and less demanding. The track is easily identifiable because they entered the territory between the routes of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) and is therefore marked with the classic red and white signs. From Piazzale Garibaldi follow the signs to the CAI 555 path to the summit of Mount Castiglion May through the small Chapel of St. Peter's Mother. From here the road is steep asphalt although, after which it is fully excavated, but beaten. It rises quickly and the panoramic views over the Chiana Valley and Chios, increase in beauty with increasing elevation, reaching its maximum near the peak of the mountain at about 760 m asl The slopes are so steep because their geological formation is kind of like rocky Apennine ridge, which has its beginning here. Right on top, the CAI Trail 555, Trail is part of the CAI and 50, following the road on the right, down to the Pass of Mouth, where n is the showcase of illustration. "11 At this point there are three options: return to the starting point along the beautiful and scenic of the Palazzo del Pero Provincial Road No. 40 in the direction of Castiglione Fiorentino, in the Val di Chio down near the village of St. Margaret through the steep road that follows the ridge of the secondary, or continue the way to the comet and the town of Mount Caldesi always following the signs CAI. Continuing the path until you climb the ridge on the crest of the mountain from where it dominates the entire valley of Chios and is easy to navigate and recognize the various significant places such as castles and villages. Just before Caldesi is the sign to reach the countries of Collesecco and S. Cristina. Going forward, the trail climbs gradually and you can see more clearly the ruined houses built on Mount Comet where once stood the castle of which no traces remain today. Just passed the remains of houses, turn right and follow the directions on the sign that points the way to the Castle of Montanina.




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Route of the Castles

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