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Madonna in trono con Bambino, San Giovanni Battista e San Giovanni Evangelista Lucignano
Artist: Bartolo di Fredi
Current location: Museo Comunale di Lucignano
Original location: Chiesa San Francesco
The triptych by Bartolo di Fredi (1330-1410), a painter active in the second half of the fourteenth century, as well as Siena, San Gimignano and Montalcino. The triptych of Lucignano is the central part of a polyptych comprising five boards, whose external parts, now lost, depicting Saint Lucia and Saint Petronilla or St. Peter the Apostle. This set was originally placed on a dais, also five compartments, which is now in the Pinacoteca di Siena.
At the center depicting the Madonna, seated on a marble throne, covered with a red cloth adorned with gold. The edge of the blue mantle and the red robe of the Madonna are embellished with gold ornaments. The child standing on her mother's lap turns his gaze to her eyes in the attitude characteristic of the Sienese Madonnas while laying a hand on the neck edge. Along the lower edge of the central section runs an incomplete inscription: DNA [LI] FILIA NA OLI [M] PETRI EC [IA] TI JAKOB OILS [M] D [OMINI] Griffi FECIT PROUD I [N] CAPEELLA FOR HIS SOUL you can be interpreted as: WOMAN LINA DAUGHTER WAS PETER JAMES HUNTED AND SON WAS SER Griffi DID MAKE THIS TABLE IN THE CHAPEL FOR (SALVATION) HIS SOUL. This work comes from the Church of San Francesco in Montalcino where he was kept until 1628. In 1910 he came into possession of Lucignano Angeli family. In 1923 it was donated to the Museum of Lucignano by Carlo Angeli, the first curator of the museum. The triptych was restored with the integration of incomplete parts, but was later restored to its original state by returning the original color intensity.
Madonna in trono con Bambino, San Giovanni Battista e San Giovanni Evangelista