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Crocifissione Lucignano


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Artist: Ignoto Maestro Aretino del XIII secolo
Year: seconda metà del Duecento
Current location: Museo Comunale di Lucignano
Original location:

The icon depicting the Crucifixion is the oldest work preserved in the Museum of Lucignano. It is a table of the second half of the thirteenth century, devoid of certain paternity, although recent studies have identified the area of ​​origin in the painting school in Arezzo, although influenced by Sienese and Umbrian masters. This icon is escaped to a tragic fate twice during the twentieth century. A first time during the previous work staging of the museum, was exchanged for a wooden board and used for mixing any lime. Luckily someone noticed this painting on one side and immediately began the restoration. In 1979 it was stolen along with other parts of the museum and found the following year, with no damage.
