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Madonna con il Bambino e i santi Giacomo e Cristoforo Marciano

Madonna con il Bambino e i santi Giacomo e Cristoforo

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Artist: Bartolomeo Della Gatta
Current location: SS. Andrea e Stefano
Original location: SS. Andrea e Stefano


On the precious panel, the Madonna is represented enthroned with the Child. The scene is flooded by diffused sunlight that softens a certain hardness of the stretch, of Pollaiolesca ancestry.


Note the rarefied beauty of the sky, with its limpid blue furrowed by thin white clouds: the critics see clear ancestry from Piero della Francesca, also strengthened by the chiaroscuro effects projected by the figures.


The Virgin appears seated in the center, on a richly decorated throne and wearing a red robe and a blue mantle finished in gold; on the chest a golden brooch.


San Cristoforo, with big and clumsy hands, is on the left of the Virgin, in the act of welcoming the Child in her arms.
St. James appears completely absorbed in reading, beautifully defined in the masses of color and light.


The painting also reveals the in-depth knowledge of the Flemish school that Bartolomeo probably studied in Urbino.


The artist, in this stupendous panel, was able to admirably blend, in a harmonious and personal way, the different cultural components of his pictorial training.

Madonna con il Bambino e i santi Giacomo e Cristoforo


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