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Old town of Cortona Cortona

The route of the old town takes away from the Piazza della Repubblica, that is the main square of Piazza della Repubblica Cortona.Su overlook the fourteenth century Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, and the Town Hall, dating from the twelfth latter secolo.Da Square Republic leads the adjacent Piazza Signorelli, where we find as a key step Palazzo Casali (sixteenth century) has always been considered the palace of Culture and now houses the wonderful Museum of the Etruscan city of Cortona (MAEC), of ' Etruscan Academy and the Library. On the right stands the Palazzo Casali rather impressive Theatre Signorelli.Proseguendo Via Casali arrives in Piazza del Duomo, where stands the church of Santa Maria Assunta, the cathedral dates from the fifteenth century. Opposite the cathedral, the building which was the Church of Jesus houses the Diocesan Museum where there are works from churches in the city. Walking down the street you come to Jesus on Iannelli, which preserves some medieval houses. Leaving from Porta Santa Maria on the left along the ancient Etruscan walls built in the fifth century BC The west side is perfectly preserved and is characterized by the only door Etruscan two arches, door windows. Continuing along the walls, return to Port St. Augustine and we are facing an environment with the arch and barrel-vaulted ceiling and an open center, probably used as a cistern or storage. Going by Guelph, we left the church of St. Augustine, from here it continues to climb, passing on the right the majestic Palazzo Baldelli. The way Guelph brings us directly to the Piazza della Repubblica, where our journey ends.
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L’itinerario del centro storico prende il via da Piazza della Repubblica, cioè la piazza principale