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Associazione Pro Loco Castiglion Fiorentino Castiglion Fiorentino
Associazione Pro Loco Castiglion Fiorentino
Piazza Risorgimento, 19 52043 Castiglion Fiorentino
Telephone 0575 658278
Website: http://www.prolococastiglionfiorentino.it
Business card (vCard)
The aim has always pursued the Association was to give incentive to the development of the country and the region both economically and socio-cultural protection of the natural, artistic and monumental. Promote the improvement of hotel facilities. Establish tourist information offices. Enhance support and promote local products.
The major initiatives that the Pro Loco organizes throughout the year are: The Living Nativity, which takes place in the streets and squares of the historic center of the country. The Palio dei Rioni, which takes place every year on the third Sunday of June.
"The Passion of Our Lord," a biennial event that takes place at the "Teatro Naturale Cypresses" picturesque corner of Piazzale Garibaldi.